Oct-Dec 2016 Photoalbums Archive

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12-16-2016 S. Francesco a Ripa
12-14-2016 Trevi Fountain, Rome
12-12-2016 Spoleto, Italy
12-05-2016 Rome Sights
12-05-2016 Giulo and Pierluigi Civil Union
12-02-2016 Vatican
11-26-2016 Subiaco, Marta
2016-10-15 Super Moon, CityHall
2016-11-17Richard Lusimbo RWF
2016-11-14 City Hall Unity Rally
2016-11-09 Not My Pres Castro
2016-11-06 18 Castro Jane Kim
2016-10-29 Halloween SNA
2016-10-22 HRC Gala SF
2016-10-15 GLBT Historical Society Gala
2016-10-13 Hillary SF
2016-10-11 SFO Control Tower Inside
2016-10-11 SFO Control Tower Dedication
2016-10-10 D7 Sup SNA Debate
2016-10-09 Italian Heritage Parade SFLG Freedom Band
2016-10-09 Italian Heritage Parade IConsu lGeneral of Italy
2016-10-09 Italian Heritage Parade St Francis March
2016-10-09 Italian Heritage Parade Line Up
2016-10-09 Angela Alioto
2016-10-08 K9 Demo
2016-10-06 KOSF Gala
2016-10-05 Hummingbird Ballet
2016-10-01 Lookout HRC
2016-10-01 Unity Plaza